Friday, July 26, 2024

Tag: change

What we can do in a short time

The first Sunday I spent in the Medium office, then–features editor Amir Ahmed said he was going to a nearby Thai joint for lunch...

A new kind of history

Institutional history be damned

Luke’s Languages #9

Sir! I’ve just come from the frontlines—the enemy is upon us! The dreaded Essays are advancing, the Assignments are attacking from the east, and...

Taking a closer look

This newspaper aims to inform us about UTM. Its right there in the nameplate — The Voice of University of Toronto Mississauga. That, more...

Inside the UTSU Election

From Tuesday March 10 until Thursday March 12, students at the University of Toronto will be voting to elect a new student union, which will either be the "Change U of T" slate of candidates or the "Demand Access" ticket. Jason Marin from Change and Adam Awad from Demand Access discuss their reasons for running and what their tickets represent.

High expectations for the New American President

Ive heard a couple of conflicting comments recently about all the hype surrounding the new U.S. President. One that plays on my mind the...

Social Medium
