Following a year-long deadlock between UTMSU and the Quality Services for Students, UTMSU attended a meeting last Friday where the two discussed roles and updates.

The QSS has not been able to reach quorum since October 2015, on account of UTMSU’s decision not to engage with the committee.

UTMSU’s president, Nour Alideeb, suggested in the meeting the idea of establishing a working group, consisting of one representative from each member of the QSS: UTMSU, UTM Athletic Council, the Residence Council, and the Association of Graduate Students. Her motion was passed.

Andrew Petersen, director of teaching and learning support and innovation, and the chair of the meeting, explained that if the advice presented by the QSS rejects fee increases, the Campus Affairs Committee and the Campus Council might still approve the increases that are “not greater than the UTI increase or the CPI increase.” However, in that case, unless it is further approved, the increase would be temporary for three years.

Petersen also stated that the meeting processes have to happen between December and January in order to be able to provide the advice at the Campus Affairs Committee meeting on February 9.

The QSS committee is responsible for offering recommendations on the operation of UTM: how to improve student services that are offered by the Career Centre, Health and Counselling Centre, Department of Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation Department. QSS also provides advice to the UTM governance on incidental fees that support UTM campus services.

UTMSU had begun raising its issues against QSS back in 2013/14, where the executive team sent an open letter addressing concerns like financial transparency and problems with meeting minutes.

Alideeb did not respond to The Medium’s request for comment about the union’s future plans with QSS and her thoughts on the meeting.

QSS consists of 11 staff members, 11 student members including two UTMSU executives, four students appointed by the union, two student representatives from UTMAC, two representatives from the Residence Council, and one from the Association of Graduate Students.

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