Cowboys know how to groove. EDWARD CAI/THE MEDIUM

UTM’s CFRE radio station and the Electronic Music Appreciation Club hosted their second annual Subsomnia Pub at the Blind Duck on Thursday night.

With the music throbbing and the lights flashing, over 150 students flooded the dance floor. One of the first was Dave Nijjar, whose freestyling inspired several other students to follow.

“This is my type of music. I don’t even need to put any effort into my dancing; I just let the beat take over my body. It’s a great feeling to let something bigger take you over,” said Nijjar.

With DJs like Unique Freak, Starlab, No1da, Christian Kuruvilla, and Dan Milk spinning the latest mixes in house, electro, and dubstep music, the tracks were anything but mainstream.

“We have our music tailored to a certain crowd. We’re not here to play the Top 40 you hear on the radio,” No1da’s Andrew Griffith said.

Crisp white sheets of paper and a few boxes of crayons lined the glass partition at the pub.

“We wanted a new interactive medium for students to freely express themselves,” said Ryan Weir, the station manager at CFRE. “The sheets are for people to leave a piece of their mind.”

Students wrote messages such as “The music tonight is such a refreshing change”, “Good music, great friends, let’s dance!”, and “The DJs are awesome.” Several others created images to better represent their mood. Weir hopes to display a few of the sheets along the glass walls of the CFRE station.

“The music tonight is great and it has brought out such a unique crowd,” said Francesca Saraco, a fourth-year student, commenting on the distinctive sound offered at Subsomnia 2.0.

For those who couldn’t attend the event, CFRE broadcasted the event live on their website.

Christian Kuruvilla, technical director of CFRE and president of EMAC, headed the collaboration between the two clubs.

“At our first Subsomnia, the turnout was much higher than we expected, so we decided to give UTM another night free of Danny Fernandez,” said Kuruvilla.

Given the turnout this year, students can expect to experience Subsomnia Pub 3.0 next year, but only time will tell if it will join the ranks of the classics like First Pub, Halloween Pub, Sexual Awareness Pub, and Last Pub.

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