Eight students have been elected to sit on Governing Council after 39 candidates vied to represent students on U of T’s highest administrative body.

Out of the Governing Council’s 50 members, eight seats are available to students, which are spread across five different constituencies.

Apefa Adijvon and Yining (Elin) Gu will represent full-time undergraduate students of the Faculty of Arts & Science, UTM, and UTSC.

With twenty-one candidates running from this constituency, Gu, a UTSC student, received 371 votes while Adjivon, a University College student, received 303 votes.

Pharmacy student Andrew Girgis and Medicine student Mallory Estelle Jackman were elected to represent the Professional Faculties. Girgis received 97 votes while Jackman received 104. Five candidates ran from this constituency.

L-P Veuilleux, a student from the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, won the seat to represent Constituency I of graduate students for the Humanities and Social Sciences, with 159 votes.

Amin Kamaleddin, a biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering student, won the seat to represent Constituency II of graduate students for the Physical Sciences and Life Sciences with 338 votes.

The seat for the Part-time Undergraduate Students representative was claimed by Susan Froom of Trinity College.

The next Governing Council meeting will be hosted at UTM on February 28, 2019.

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