The Great Canadian Sales Competition will hold its third annual competition in 2017 in over 80 campuses in Canada.

U of T’s GCSC ambassador, Mohammad Amin, fourth-year UTM finance student, pointed out the many companies that sponsor GCSC, such as IBM, Air Canada, CDW, and Dell, among many others. GCSC encourages students to develop their skills and networks professionally within the sponsoring companies.

“This is a great initiative that aims to promote the importance of building sales skills for students—from boosting your confidence, to understanding how to dress, there is tons of value in understanding sales as a skill,” states the GCSC website.

Around 200 applicants have applied so far, according to Amin. The GCSC is expecting a total of 3,000 applications this year.

In the first round, applicants film a 30 to 90-second sales pitch about something that they are passionate about. The applicants will be judged on specific criteria, and top finalists will be chosen by January 8, 2017.

The finalists will then move to the semi-finals, which will be held on January 31. The contestants will have a chance to meet with one of the GCSC sponsors and create a sales pitch for that sponsor.

According to the GCSC website, there are rewards for the final contestants. All contestants who reach the final round will attend the Winner’s Gala, where the contestants can meet and network with the GCSC sponsors. The first-place contestant will be awarded a cash prize of $7,500, while each runner up will receive $1,000.

According to Amin, the competition’s final round will be held at Google’s Headquarters in March 2017.

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