Christian Unity Association celebrates “Until the Whole World Hears”

“Until the Whole World Hears”, a slogan of the Christian Unity Association (CUA), was the title of the club’s first event on September 30. The title of the event was from a name of the first song by a band named Casting Crowns.

“The World needs to know Jesus. This can only be done through love and grace,” said Jonathan Wahab, president of CUA. “We really do love the students, and want to continue to serve them in responding to their needs, whether it be answering intense questions about Christianity or life, or simply giving away free pizza to all who attend. Many come broken and hopeless, and all we want to do is simply show them God’s contagious love.”

CUA is committed to serving students and presenting them with a biblical hope, in and beyond this life.

Christian Unity Association is a conglomeration of the various Christian fellowships on campus, including Baptist Student Ministries, Chinese Christian Fellowship, Erindale Christian Fellowship, Agape Impact, and the Catholic Club.

The night started off with some bonding time among the attendees, followed by worship led by the Christian Unity Band. The night ended with inspirational testimonies from various people who came. Free pizza and refreshments were served after the event.

“Of course I took time out for it. I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” said Rachel, a regular attendee of CUA events and executive of Chinese Christian Fellowship.

Students of all sorts of ethnicities and religions came to enjoy the evening. The room boomed with upbeat Christian music long before the event commenced, preparing for what turned out to be a pretty lifting and inspiring event.

“We’re a non-profit organization and we believe, as our name states, in unity among Christians. We are called by God to love our community. That’s why we do our best to serve in any way we can, even if it’s just pizza,” said Wahab. “I thought tonight was awesome, thanks to all those who gave their testimonies about how God has worked in their lives. One more thing: let’s do it again!”

Christian Unity Association holds events on the last Thursday of each month. To get on the mailing list, students are asked to contact Jonathan Wahab by email at

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