Trillium Health Partners (THP) announced at the March 19 COVID-19 emergency meeting that a third COVID-19 assessment centre in Mississauga is currently underway. This will be the second at THP’s Credit Valley Hospital.

This change is one of several THP is making to adjust to any possible influx of patients that COVID-19 may bring. THP will also no longer accept visitors at any of their locations effective Friday, March 20, 2020 at 10:00 p.m.

Exceptions include those who are: at end of life, critically ill, under the age of 18, or are women in the birthing suites.

The new assessment centre at Credit Valley Hospital will join the already opened assessment centres that are at Mississauga Hospital and Credit Valley Hospital in order to assess patients for COVID-19.

Their hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and are only accepted by referral through Peel Public Health or the Emergency Department.

THP CEO Michelle DiEmanuele made a statement on March 22 reassuring the public on the competence of THP’s health staff.

“THP’s highly trained staff care for respiratory illness every day and are prepared for communicable diseases such as COVID-19. These are extraordinary times for our community and country. The hospital is continually taking strong measures to protect our patients, people and the community. By continuing to work together, we will flatten the curve,” stated DiEmanuele.

Other measures to help decrease the flow of patients into the hospital and increase capacity and resources are also being implemented, such as the postponing of elective surgeries from March 17 to April 3, 2020 at THP’s facilities.

THP is also taking steps to ensure that the spread of the coronavirus is slowed.

According to THP, testing is only required if you’re experiencing the symptoms of the coronavirus, which is a fever, sore throat or shortness of breath, and coughing.

Even if you’ve traveled outside of Canada, THP states testing is not required. Regardless, self-monitoring, self-isolation, practicing good hand hygiene, and social distancing is encouraged.

All over the city, businesses and services have had to either close down or adjust to health officials’ protocols to slow the spread of the virus. Trillium Health hospitals are meant to not only be prepared for any influx of patients, but to keep an open line of communication between them and the public.

For any updates on COVID-19 in the Region of Peel and Mississauga, please visit

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