Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Reimagining Black History Month

In the past year, modern technology has documented the blatant and systemic racism Black individuals have experienced for centuries. Particularly, the Black community has...

Looking at Toronto after the first wave

Dr. Shauna Brail, an associate professor at UTM’s Institute for Management and Innovation, is passionate about urban life, and her previous research endeavors have...

A virtual segment on Quebec’s diversity and inclusion of multicultural authors

Beginning a new life on unfamiliar grounds presents a unique set of adversities. Immigrant writers face hardships when they travel to a new country,...

Covid-19’s role in Canada’s economic downturn

Despite Covid-19 vaccine shipments arriving in Canada, the virus continues to devastate intensive care units of hospitals across the country. With the healthcare system on...

He had a dream, one we have yet to realize

“I have a dream that one day, every valley shall be exalted and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope.”...

Becoming a Forex Trader in 2021: The Dos and the Don’ts

Picture this: You put USD $1,000 aside at the start of 2020 to fund a trip with your university friends for the summer to...

Mirror, mirror: Body image and university students

Names have been changed to protect anonymity. Most young adults—both male and female—struggle with their body image. Body image can influence your perception of almost...

The emergence of effective vaccines against Covid-19

Covid-19 is an infectious disease that has quickly escalated into a global pandemic. As of January 9, 2021, there are 652,473 reported cases of Covid-19 in...

Dr. Fiona Rawle on the pedagogy of kindness

“The ultimate goal of the pedagogy of kindness is to establish this connection which benefits the learning experience,” says Dr. Fiona Rawle, associate professor...

New year’s resolutions and prioritizing mental health

For many, a new year means new goals and resolutions. It is a fresh start and perhaps a chance to do something you have...

13 common Toronto slang terms and their origins

Toronto, known for its multiculturalism and diversity, has developed and normalized its own language by adopting various slang terms and phrases. Icons such as...

The impostor syndrome and a journey to self-acceptance

Christophe Carsault was only 16 years old when he dropped out of...

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