Foot in the door

January is here, and for students, that may mean many different things: a new year, a new decade, a new semester or being a bit closer to the impending stress of finding a job after graduation. Whether or not it crossed your mind, theres no better resolution this year than to think a little about where you want the thousands of dollars you spend on university to take you.

The Career Centre at UTM organizes events year round to help students and graduates gain perspective about the job market. Students of all years should keep an open mind and look to gain experience wherever they can; the 2010 Summer Job Fair is a way to do exactly that. This Wednesday, the Career Centre will hold their most attended event in the RAWC gym, welcoming 58 employers (up from 47 last year) from all fields, some of which will offer on-the-spot interviews.

It might seem a bit early to think about where you will work during the summer, but better now than during March or April, when you are knee deep in books. If youre not one of those who is looking for a summer job because you already have one or you have saved up all of your partying for the warm weather months, many other events will take place this semester that will help you focus on the big picture. The Psychology Speed Networking Night (picture speed dating, but instead of finding a person, youre looking for a career you might like), the Marketing and Communications Networking Breakfast and the Biology Networking Night are all examples of great ways to discover new careers and meet new people to help you along your path to success.

It seems like a lot to take on. Networking is intimidating and new to all of us; the folks at the Career Centre have that covered too. From how to shake hands during the flu season to which questions to ask at an event like the ones above, there are workshops and tips available on how to network and to help you become more confident when meeting people. Head over to the Career Centre or view their website at to check out all of the upcoming events.

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