Afghan politicians, look out for your people

Dear Editor,


Here is my open letter to Afghanistan’s president Ashraf Ghani and chief executive officer Abdullah Abdullah.


I cannot say I am too happy or even impressed that a democratic election turned into a power sharing government. Or as Mr. Abdullah calls it, “a win-win situation”. But at the same time, I don’t even think I am the least bit surprised. I followed the elections. I didn’t follow your individual campaigns—I followed the Afghan people. The youth, whose words of hope for peace were spray painted on the walls of Kabul, the women in refugee camps who pleaded for actual change, or the kids who mimicked the electoral process. Anyone could see that Afghans wanted change. I won’t sit here and claim I know what the Afghan people want, but from what I see, they want something to look forward to, something to hope for. The 60% voter turnout proved this point. However, democracy was harder to achieve as you both pointed fingers at each other. And when you finally decided to move on from this, both of you now run the country. An agreement so carefully crafted by our “friends” from the States, it gives you both almost the same amount of power. Democracy doesn’t work this way. Apparently, Afghans do.

My plea is short and simple. Put your differences aside and look at the innocent lives of the Afghan people, who time after time, keep getting thrown into the middle of power wars. They are the ones who suffer. Think about them. At this point, the NATO withdrawal perhaps has put the Taliban at an advantage. The U.S. failed terribly in Afghanistan and has left behind angry, hurt, lost Afghans. Our “friends” insist on looking at the government for help, but how do you expect Afghans to look to you for hope, if you are lost yourselves? The Taliban are the only ones left. It’s not to say that the Afghan people will immediately fall into their hands, but it is very likely judging by the way everything is running at the moment. Please, do not let this happen.

It’s been a dream of mine to visit Afghanistan one day, perhaps to even live there. I still hope that Afghanistan will be safe enough for the natives as well as those who want to return. It’s up to you both to beat all odds and create an actual change in the lives of Afghan people. Change only comes from cooperation, a settling ego. You must put the population before yourselves. This is not to say a complete transformation will come right away: bring the change in forms of waves. Wash out the blood left behind by those who murdered our country. Only then, will you become true leaders.

Emphasis education, teach the importance of our art, and be the example of unity—a word you both love to use so much. Do not allow Afghanistan to further divide. The youth is now in your hands.

Change history, impact the world. Work together for the best of all of us.



Frishta Bastan

Wanting to go back home

1 comment

  1. I totally believe in your powerful words, and can see the strong words that comes out of your heart for the people of Afghanistan, as well the for the leader of Afghanistan. We as an Afghan people can bring changes in our country. I hope this happen through time, and Inshuallah will happen soon.

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