Trevor Abes
The perfect woman
In the interest of complexity, allow me to offer my account of why a perfect woman would be utterly undesirable.
Messes are bliss, for we...
On the worst days
Angela spends her Sundays swaying
to the spokes keeping time in place.
Surreptitious, she gazes upon the ride,
the one we call our own, with grace,
Angelou grace;
"Title Pending"
And there they were, landed
from who-knows-what distant planet or star,
in blue, orange, and yellow.
A contagion they carried,
transferred like a bad mutation
through a deceptively benevolent...
Speaking out against oppression
Dear Editor,
The Speak Out against Oppression poetry event, held last Friday, was organized in conjunction with UTMSU. They recently rejected the poems I sent...
Hate is embraced by wood grain grippers
And syrup sippers alike;
Not by me though.
I do not depend on prejudice
To determine who I am,
Rather, I transcend,...