The executive slate of UTMSU weighs in on what they’ve promised to accomplish.

Nour Alideeb – President

  1. A grade forgiveness policy
  2. Creating a Nap Room
  3. Free post-secondary education for all students
  4. Establishing a mentorship program for first-year and upper-year students
  5. Fighting against rising fees: Tuition Incidental and Ancillary
  6. Lobbying for $15 minimum wage on campus

Jackie Zhao – VP Internal and services

  1. Emergency food plan fund
  2. More locker spaces on campus
  3. International Student Bursary
  4. Sustainable green products for clubs and societies
  5. Establish a GTA U-Pass
  6. Introduce Summer Club Space Allocation
  7. Increase club funding
  8. Multi-lingual UTMSU Newsletter

Maleeha Baig – VP equity

  1. Combat sexism, misogyny, and build consent culture on campus
  2. Lobby for Racialized and Indigenous Counsellors, Mental Health
  3. More diverse destressor programming
  4. Combat Islamophobia, Racism, Homophobia, and all systemic forms of oppression
  5. Establish Task Force on Multifaith Space
  6. Establishing an Equity Service Centre
  7. Free hygiene products on campus
  8. Equity/Indigenous Breadth Requirement

Marise Hopkins – VP external

  1. Heated bus shelter at IB, Deerfield, and Hart House
  2. Lobby for cheaper, healthier, and expanded food options on campus
  3. Combat xenophobia through the WUSC program
  4. Challenge anti-blackness on campus
  5. Lobby for OHIP for international students and more international student services/support

Vanessa Demello — VP university affairs and academics

  1. Improving mental health services, debunking myths, and monthly programming
  2. Work towards eliminating AV costs for clubs and societies
  3. Work towards eliminating Registrar fees, deferral, exam review fees
  4. Expanded summer course options
  5. Reform of Academic accommodation processes
  6. Study space expansion

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