Moving On: An ode to my Medium-mites

My Arts boy, Michael Di Leo, actually doubted me when I told him this past week that I probably reached 100 articles for The Medium over four years. Perhaps hes right, the math just doesnt add up — I wouldve had to write for 98 per cent of all 104 issues over the last four years to achieve that number. Nonetheless, Im pretty close to a century. And it breaks my heart to know that I may never be published in these 12 pages again.

Yes, this is the last issue of the year. And for me, its the last issue of my term at UTM. Im moving on. Finally. So youll forgive me if I dont display the same rhetoric as I have in my editorial over the last 25 issues. Im not writing about the circus-like Student Union ratification meetings. Im not addressing the hubbub surrounding the UTMAC elections. Im not even going to preach and write fondly in retrospect about my term at this University. No, this editorial is for my team of editors at The Medium this year. The same bunch of people Ive broken new ground with, and the very same bunch of editors Im going to leave the newspaper in the hands of for the year to follow.

After a rather emotional editorial board election that saw my devoted news editor lose out to features editor Alain Latour for the editor-in-chief position, I can only express my gratitude to Andrew Hamilton-Smith for all that hes done this year.

Andrew, nobody can pound out 1000 words in an hour like you can. And for all the stubbornness Ive had to put up with in the last eight months, I have never doubted the dedication and work ethic that youve demonstrated. I wish we could have had two editors-in-chief next year, but for what its worth, I hope you will keep writing for the paper. We shouldnt be allowed to lose an editor like you for good.

Michael, I have never regretted scouting you last year as a last minute replacement for the A&E section. And though Ive often lamented over your questionable choice of adjectives in your CD reviews (dicktickler shouldve never gotten printed), your writing has improved more than anyone elses these past few months. Someday, you might be remembered as The Mediums Lester Bangs. You certainly have the personality.

Chris, youve displayed enough patience and tolerance over the past two semesters to warrant an award from Job himself. Youre a sweet kid. And Id write off your pub receipts anytime. Heres to you becoming a sports writer someday.

Matthew, to think we couldve hired you last year and didnt. Im glad though — I would hate for any other chief editor to have you as their number two before I did. I cant possibly fit your full list of achievements this year in this small box. The website and the newspaper make-over will go down in history. Future editors will look through the archive room and realize who you are and the changes youve inspired. I wouldnt have received half the compliments this year if it werent for you. Dont walk all over next years chief now.

And finally, Alain. As Ive said before, my best editorial decision this year was pulling you on board the editorial team. Look how its paid off — you end up the one I hand over the reins to. I hope you get out of this stint the same that I have gotten. Its been a highly enriching experience, and Im certain you will revel in the role. Good luck amigo —Ill be sure to pass you my number in New York when you run into your first spot of bother.

In closing, special thanks go to Saaliha Malik, Samantha Berger, and Professor Penny Kinnear for all her guidance and advice. Ill miss all of you.

1 comment

  1. Congrats on a successful year at the Medium and good luck on whatever you’re doing outside of this wonderful place called UTM.

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