Recalling that the path to ones heart often lies through the stomach, the food festival held on February 3 in the UTM Student Centre was a huge success. As the opening event which kicked off Unity through Diversity Week, various associations and clubs participated to raise awareness about the cultures and societies they represent.
This was our first event on campus where we received an opportunity to become recognized by the UTM community as a proper organization, and we were hoping to recruit a few new members, said Patryk Laszczuk, prime minister of the newly formed UTM Polish Club.
It was obvious that friends were made all around as a multitude of students flowed through the tables and crowds to sample the fare provided by each of the various clubs, which included the the Afghan Student Association, the Italian Club of Erindale, the Sikh Student Association, and many others. From pasta to fortune cookies, perogies to samosas, there was something for everyone to enjoy, including diverse items such as Korean sushi, Cantonese noodles, Paczki, and Kabanosy.
The food cleared out pretty quickly. As soon as we unpacked our catered dishes, a line had already started in front of our booth, said Lisa Yao from the Chinese Undergrad Association. We didn’t even have the plates and forks out yet!
Students were apparently hungry enough for more than just one culture. It was amazing for all the clubs to provide us with free delicious food. And the fact that it was free was even better, said Sana Iqbal, an English specialist at UTM. The sentiment seemed to be shared by all who attended, especially when they came back for seconds, thirds and fourths.