Friday, February 14, 2025

Volume 44, Issue 4 (September 25, 2017)

Archive > Volume 44 > Issue 4

UTMSU’s fall by-elections underway

The campaigning period for the 2017 fall by-elections for the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union has begun to select two Division I first-year...

The St. George campus has partnered with several other universities for a Toronto transit pass

The CFS will withhold the full review despite UTSU criticism

Metrolinx has announced plans to integrate post-secondary student fares with PRESTO cards in place...

SLW highlighted the work of UTM faculty and U of T alumni

QSS announces four new shuttle buses during first meeting

Trump’s failure as a leader

Let’s talk about Trump. He’s practically in the news every single day at this point for something ridiculous he’s said or done. Most recently, however, has been Trump’s involvement in the sports world. On Friday, September 22, Stephen Curry, from the 2016-2017 championship team, the Golden...

Mirror, mirror, on the wall and quad

As I walked onto the quad, surrounding me were round convex mirrors in a variety of sizes spaced strategically around the grounds. The public...

Former Degrassi star André Dae Kim dishes out on food, academics, events, and social life on campus

Every year, advancements in technology are released, ranging from improved laptops to phones. At...

When Alexander Nunez first dabbled in theatre studies, a serendipitous announcement made by his...

In the following weeks, four films will be screened in the CCT atrium in...

Radiolab is produced by WNYC Radio and hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich. ...

UTM alumnus and director Richie Mehta tells us about his undegraduate experiences and film Amal

Margaret Trudeau: a story of fortitude

For this year’s annual Snider lecture at UTM, held in memoriam of Fletcher C. Snider, the committee hosted Margaret Trudeau, former Prime Minister Pierre...

The theme for the fourth volume of the journal With Caffeiene and Careful Thought is survival

Last week, the UTM historical studies department hosted a free screening for the movie Amal

After first launching in 1997, on Sept. 15th 2017, Cassini crashed into Saturn and ended its mission

Last Wednesday, the Career Centre held their annual Get Experience Fair. With over 720...

For the love and passion of running

Kale Heino is a third-year student completing a double major in paleontology and anthropology. He has been a member of the cross country team...

The amazing benefits of eating chia, hemp, and flax seeds