Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tag: discrimination

UTMSU talks fighting oppression

Last week the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union’s hosted their annual eXpression Against Oppression week, a  sequence of talks and workshops focusing on...

UTMSU hosts “real talks”

On January 19, UTMSU held the latest edition of their “Real Talks” series. The session focused on reverse racism and UTM students were invited...

The cultural worship of marriage

I’m sure many members of all genders would be quick to pointedly ask: why do we still need feminism? What are women lacking anyway?...

Including everyone is hard

Dear Editor, I write this letter as a concerned UTM student, not an employee of this newspaper. Just before the holidays, The Medium published a...

I am writing in response…

Dear Editor, I am writing in response to your editorial about recent discriminatory events on campus. Your student union, UTMSU, has a long history of...

Social Medium
