Thursday, January 16, 2025

Letter to the Editor

Wherever I go to Ontario, I hear from young people and recent graduates how they are scrambling to pay off massive student loans, while...
Over the summer and as the new school year starts, developments took place that altered the political climate and roadmap of the province. Due to...
Dear Editor, There are two things everyone needs to know before they identify as a feminist: To identify as a feminist is to willingly accept that...
I ran for the UTMSU elections. And I lost. As a person who can’t give all my time to studies, I have to get involved....
About a week ago, Kathleen Wynne and her liberal government announced that within her budget plan, tuition and postsecondary education costs will be free...
Dear Editor, Over the past week I’ve spoken to a number of people regarding the pro-rape vandalism in the Student Centre’s male washroom. “Can you...
Cultural appropriation is not a relatively new term. In fact, cultural appropriation has existed since the creation and clashing of various cultures over history....
Over the past year, UTMSU has embarked on the creation of certain coalitions in order to focus on the voices of specific marginalized people....
UTM, I hope you all had a phenomenal week. I know many of you are doing whatever it takes to prepare for the upcoming midterms,...
For someone who wanted to be a part of the campus newspaper since first year, boy was I clueless. I took for granted that...
Dear editor,   People keep saying how much I am going to miss school once I am out. It has been difficult to envision this—missing school....
Dear editor,   Last year I wrote a letter to you when UTMSU had turned down the fee increase at the QSS meeting. That fee increase...

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