You can reach us in person, by email, on our social profiles to the right, by snail mail, or via the contact form below. Don’t hesitate to ask us anything!
Contact details
The Medium
3359 Mississauga Rd N
Student Centre #200
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
289 633 3963
Office hours
Although we don’t have regular office hours, someone can usually be found in the office during the day. We are also there all day Sunday. If you need to see us in person, please set up a time by email.
Email us
Use the form at right to send us an email about anything from letters to the editor to tips to corrections.
Letters should be under 700 words. They should be sent in no later than 5 p.m. on Friday to be published the following Monday. For more information, see the letters page.
For more information about volunteering, see the volunteer page.
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