Monday, January 20, 2025

Volume 42, Issue 5 (October 5, 2015)

Archive > Volume 42 > Issue 5

Deadline looms for UTSU board

UTSU members will vote to implement one of two proposed union board structures this Wednesday at the union’s annual general meeting. Moved by Khrystyna Zhuk,...

Conservative, Green, Liberal, and NDP discuss issues at forum held at UTM

The sixth UTMSU board meeting last Monday involved UTMSU executives and directors discussing possible...

UTM is preparing for the start of Phase B renovations to the North Building,...

UTM has revealed more details about its plans for a possible facility in Brampton....

Does proximity trump value?

I’m sure I’m not the only person whose parents have told them that they used to travel long distances by foot to go to school when they were growing up. So I guess we should be grateful that schools are coming closer to us with...

A Honeymoon in the cold

Here’s why Lana Del Rey stays irresistibly mellow with a hint of grace: she doesn’t blame the world for her mistakes. She doesn’t even...

Super Class delivers wit, humour, and just enough spice to keep boredom at bay

Matt Damon lands on Mars just as NASA discovers water beneath all that bright red dust

As a part of Culture Days, the city of Mississauga exposes some of its best-kept secrets

Pottery museum opens its doors for evening clay classes

Do you ever feel that people are looking at you funny? Talking about you...

There’s only one name that comes to mind when the word “fabulous” comes up...

Transitioning from a jail cell to success

Several years ago, UTM student Wali Shah was simply a young Pakistani boy attending primary school in Canada. From an early age, he was...’s founder talks about Hollywood’s social issues, celeb tactics, and her moral lines

Despite our increasingly technology-dependent society, keeping a traditional diary still has benefits

Last Thursday, students gathered in the Li Koon Chun Finance Learning Centre to hear...

Last weekend was the CIBC Run for the Cure event. For those who aren’t aware...

Physical discipline leads way to Navy

Jean-Luc Alexander Amyotte walks into the Medium office dressed head to toe in his sharp naval uniform. Amyotte represents the Canadian Navy here at...

UTM’s Cricket World Cup is coming to students wanting to compete and represent their country

Blues running back sets single game record for most rushing yards, defeating York 40-3