Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Tag: women’s rights

Feminism by strategy and location

Last Thursday, UTM’s Student Association for Geography and Environment hosted assistant professor in UTM’s Department of Geography, Nicole Laliberte, at an event for students...

Free speech isn’t an excuse

Our news section this week includes an article about a group called Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. They gave UTSU and UTMSU an F...

Women decide for themselves

For some, the word “abortion” holds more weight than it does for others. Some think the word is synonymous with death. Others think the...

Classic comedy takes a new direction

The 1940s were a period of great social change, particularly for women. When the men left their homes, families, and jobs to fight in...

Students shed light on global gender inequality

In celebration of International Women’s Day last Tuesday, UTM’s Because I Am a Girl Club held an awareness campaign throughout the week to inform...

The abortion divide: pro-life or choice?

The late 20th century remained a particularly active time for Canadian politics following the revival of the debate over “reproductive politics”. The debate introduced...

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