Tag: students
I’m tellin’ y’all it’s sabotage
You have six hours—six hours until your 30% paper is due.
You stare at your screen. You only have two paragraphs down. You tentatively tap...
Students fundraise for east Africa
Last week UTMSU held events to fundraise for the East Africa Drought, which UNICEF has deemed “the most severe humanitarian emergency in the world”.
All about avoiding procrastination
A few weeks ago I had lunch with a friend of mine at Deluxe Noodles. We were talking about assignments when he mentioned he...
Student group asks UTSU tough questions
U of T’s General Assembly was held on January 19 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Multifaith Centre. The UTSU-sponsored assembly was meant...
Students take action against poverty
It may have been a rainy Tuesday evening on November 16, but several UTM students gathered for a discussion on poverty in Peel. The...
When you hear the word “fraternity”…
Dear Editor,
When you hear the word “fraternity”, what do you think of? Many think of movies like Animal House or the show Greek. The...
The Erindale College…
Dear Editor,
The Erindale College Council (ECC) held their elections two weeks ago. With 50 seats available, it was disappointing to see only about 60...
There has been an impressive amount…
Dear Editor,
There has been an impressive amount of student involvement already in the new academic year. Never before have I seen students so eager...
Students parked for hours in line-up for passes
A spiralling student line inside and outside the Mississauga Alumni House on Monday, August 9, was a sight that UTM’s Parking and Transportation Services...
U of T aids Pakistan in distress
Over the past few weeks, the country of Pakistan has suffered from intense mon-soon rains in various regions, including the provinces of Sindh, Punjab,...
The Greek Connection
Take a French play that is set in Greece, translate it into English, et voila! Theatre Erindale's production of Andromache is the resulting dramatic...
Part-time attendance for meet and greet
Last Friday, the UTMSU VP part-time Ibrahim Hindy hosted a meet-and-greet for part-time students. The goal was to discuss the challenges that part-time students...