Sunday, February 16, 2025

Tag: smoking

UTM goes smoke-free

The University of Toronto Mississauga has gone smoke-free as of January 1, 2019. The new policy aligns with the university’s goal to create a...

Smoking to be banned

The University of Toronto has a proposed smoking ban that will be implemented starting January 1, 2019. The ban will apply to the smoking of...

From my grandpa to Leave the Pack Behind

Dear editor, My grandfather passed away from lung cancer when I was only six years old. I didn’t really understand much of what was going...

A reminder to smokers

A new initiative is working to remind UTM students to stay nine metres away from doorways when smoking near the entrances of buildings on...

Smokers encouraged to butt out for Weedless Wednesday

UTM’s Health and Safety Board and Leave the Pack Behind jointly held an event on Wednesday January 19. The “Move Your Butt, Please” campaign,...

Research reveals link between depression and smoking

A new study conducted by Michael Chaiton of the University of Toronto and Jennifer O’Loughlin of the University of Montreal reveals a connection between...

"Move your butt" on campus this week

This week marks National Non-Smoking Week in Canada, and the students and staff at UTM are making sure the University is up to tobacco-awareness...

Butting out at UTM

Staff and faculty from the UTM Health and Safety Committee partnered with students from the Green Team, the Leave the Pack Behind program, and...

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