Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tag: expansion

UTM celebrates new program

Last week, the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) celebrated the launch of the new Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MScOT) program. The program,...

The great compromise

The next time our union goes back to the bargaining table, will the administration feel the same way?

A megalithic proposal

UTMSU attempts to negotiate large-scale Student Centre expansion

Library renovates for expanded study space

Level 1 will undergo changes to accommodate more students.

Parking deck expansion planned for 2015

The Erindale College Council is considering a motion to extend the upper parking deck in lot 8 by 300 spaces at a cost of around $6.5 million. The project, to be completed by fall 2015, would be financed by having parking fees increase by 3% each year.

Student Centre expansion has yet to occur

As a part of their campaign contract, the executives of UTMSU who ran on the Students United pledged to obtain a commitment from the...

Social Medium
