Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tag: concert

Canadian pop icon Carly Rae Jepsen returns

On Friday September 13, at the First Ontario Concert Hall in Downtown Hamilton, Carly Rae Jepsen showed off her Canadian charm and proved the future of...

Good music comes in pairs

Many have heard of Raine Maida from his role as the lead vocalist and guitarist of Toronto band Our Lady Peace. However, OLP isn’t...

Musical mother tongue

”In 1956, my father and his brother—my tìo Arturo—decided that they had this dream, and that dream was Canada,” Amanda Martinez tells the...

Musicians pack U-Fest

I am not part of any breed of concertgoers; however, it was nice to explore their habitat at the U-Fest Outdoor Concert, if only...

UTSU’s Frost Week heats up St. George

Students lined the hallways just outside the Great Hall at Hart House this past Thursday to attend a free concert featuring DJ Intrinity, Sam...

YTF leave their legacy in Toronto

YTF Legacy paid a visit to Toronto’s Danforth Music Hall as part of their YTF Legacy Tour 2012 on October 5. YTF is a group...

In profile: the Balconies

Armed with a wall of noise and hook-filled choruses to spare, Toronto rockers the Balconies made quite the impact opening for Hollerado at the...

UTM rocks for cancer research

Students jammed at the Blind Duck Pub on Friday in a benefit concert for breast cancer research

I bet they sound good on the dance floor

The Arctic Monkeys are one of those bands that aren't afraid to speak their minds. Whether they are slagging off another band (that's British...

Protesters attempt to derail the Spirit Train

Written by Matthew Filipowich Photography & Composite Editor On October 13, the Canadian Pacific Spirit Train arrived at its third scheduled stop at the Cooksville Go-Station...

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