Saturday, February 8, 2025

Tag: changes

PC government OSAP announcement

On January 17, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities announced a 10 per cent tuition rate cut on all publicly-assisted college and universities in Ontario...

U of T source of environmental change

The University of Toronto proves to be a source for environmental changemakers as students Lauren Ead and Christopher Ford were awarded the Youth Environmental...

UTMSU ‘course retake policy’ a reality

Last week, the University of Toronto Mississauga Academic Affairs Committee passed a motion to make changes to the existing Repeating Passed Courses policy that...

MLB off-season brings few changes

A quick look at how things have changed in Major League Baseball this winter reveals very little: Derek Jeter is still a Yankee, the...

I’ve written in before to praise…

Dear Editor, I’ve written in before to praise The Medium, and my opinion hasn’t changed. Unfortunately, neither has that of the general student population, who...

Did you miss us?

Did you miss us? This is our first issue of the new year and we’re excited to share some of the new changes that...

A shift in operations

Last week’s editorial, “calculating U-Pass costs” garnered five Letters to the Editor. These five letters come from involved students. The UTMSU president, Vickita Bhatt...

By-law affects housing

Mississauga adopted proposed changes to the planning and development by-laws in the city last Wednesday, which means that UTM students will face increasing difficulty...

Social Medium
