Friday, January 17, 2025

Tag: Arkells

Bikes, bands, and beer: Max’s Big Ride returns

This summer, Andrew Sedmihradsky, the global mobility coordinator at UTM’s International Education Centre, and his seven-year-old son Max, cycled 600 kilometers from Hamilton to...

Michigan Left—Arkells

Michigan Left, on first listen, is noticeably different from their debut album, Jackson Square; although the Arkells’ spirit is retained, this is not Jackson Square Part 2.

Orientation hits a high note

Ask any first-year what they look forward to most during Frosh Week and they'll tell you, but of course, the concert. The speculations and...

CMW: 2009 Indie Music Awards in Photos

Photos from the 9th Annual Independant Movie Awards, hosted by Jeff Leake with preformances by Anvil, The Midway State, Arkells, USS, Crystal Castles  &...

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