On November 29th, the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU) will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the 2018-2019 academic year which will see the endorsement of the separation between the UTMSU and the UTSU, bringing the two organizations a step closer to terminating the Associate Membership Agreement (AMA) they signed in April 2008 and the possibility of implementing online voting for UTMSU elections.

The official process of breaking ties began earlier this month during the University of Toronto Students’ Union’s (UTSU) AGM. The motion to endorse the separation passed unanimously with 222 votes.

The two unions hope to separate by August 31, 2019.

There is only one motion submitted by a student, calling on the UTMSU to implement an online voting system for their elections in a similar manner to that of the UTSU election system.

The motion, put forward by UTM student Ethan Bryant, criticizes UTMSU elections for “their toxic nature,” and states that “the competitive nature of election campaigns leave students open to being harassed by campaigners.”

Citing the necessity of open and accessible elections, the motion goes on to say, “[Be it resolved that] the UTMSU consult with the UTSU to properly set up an online voting system that mirrors the UTSU’s voting system.”

The annual general meeting with be held in IB140 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

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