Friday, February 7, 2025

Sheri Veibl

A contributor to The Medium.


    Students seek healthy options on campus

    The annual Health and Wellness Fair encourages students to lead healthy lives.

    T-shirt time at the Blind Duck

    The UTM Blink Duck Pub was full of Italian pride, animal prints, loud music, and guidos and guidettes as they fist pumped the night away at the first ever Jersey Shore-themed pub last Thursday.

    Women’s Centre remembers the Montréal Massacre

    The UTM Women’s Centre, in cooperation with UTM Campus Police, Green Dot, UTMSU and ULife, held a memorial on Friday in the Student Centre in honour of the 14 women who lost their lives in the 1989 shooting at l’École Polytechnique in Montreal.

    SEC hosts pub night for AIDS awareness

    The UTM Sexual Education and Peer Counselling Centre, the UTM Students’ Union, and the UTM English and Drama Students Society jointly hosted the World Tour Pub on Thursday night to raise funds for AIDS charities.

    Halloween Pub posts record sales

    UTMSU hosted the annual Halloween Pub last Thursday night where students in a wide variety of costumes crowded the Blind Duck Pub.

    UTM cleans up community

    On Friday, about 400 people participated in a community cleanup led by United Way, 150 of which were UTM staff and students.

    U of T Lip Dub filmed at UTM

    The first part of the tri-campus University of Toronto Lip Dub was filmed at UTM on Sunday. A lip dub (like a lip sync)...

    Students seek healthy options on campus

    The annual Health and Wellness Fair encourages students to lead healthy lives.

    T-shirt time at the Blind Duck

    The UTM Blink Duck Pub was full of Italian pride, animal prints, loud music, and guidos and guidettes as they fist pumped the night away at the first ever Jersey Shore-themed pub last Thursday.

    Women’s Centre remembers the Montréal Massacre

    The UTM Women’s Centre, in cooperation with UTM Campus Police, Green Dot, UTMSU and ULife, held a memorial on Friday in the Student Centre in honour of the 14 women who lost their lives in the 1989 shooting at l’École Polytechnique in Montreal.

    SEC hosts pub night for AIDS awareness

    The UTM Sexual Education and Peer Counselling Centre, the UTM Students’ Union, and the UTM English and Drama Students Society jointly hosted the World Tour Pub on Thursday night to raise funds for AIDS charities.

    Halloween Pub posts record sales

    UTMSU hosted the annual Halloween Pub last Thursday night where students in a wide variety of costumes crowded the Blind Duck Pub.

    UTM cleans up community

    On Friday, about 400 people participated in a community cleanup led by United Way, 150 of which were UTM staff and students.

    U of T Lip Dub filmed at UTM

    The first part of the tri-campus University of Toronto Lip Dub was filmed at UTM on Sunday. A lip dub (like a lip sync)...

    Social Medium
