Jillian Lim
“File now, think later”
“The interesting thing about crisis is that it produces a type of serenity,” says David Allen, a productivity expert and the author of Getting...
Fight, flight, and french fries
“Suicide bomber strikes US embassy in Turkey. Greece protestors storm labour ministry. Threat of identity theft leaves Canadians feeling vulnerable.” These are just some...
Confessions of an impulse spender
Our spending habits can be irrational. Despite mainstream economic theories of financial decision-making as a purely rational process, most of us can admit that...
Runner’s high builds better brains
The physical endurance that exercise breeds may sharpen your mind over time. According to an emerging perspective on human evolution, the runner’s high—that weightless...
The habit loop: cue, routine, reward
As January progresses, our New Year’s resolutions often come crashing against the bad habits of the past. You might decide to quit smoking, but...
Would you pay for Facebook fame?
“When I made Facebook two years ago, my goal was to help people understand what was going on in their world a little better,”...
Just deal with it?
“Twenty-four hours a day, I have a pounding pain in the back of my head,” says Shane Driver, a second-year professional writing student. He...
Chemical coercion
The chemicals in our brains affect how we feel and what we do. As they fluctuate, we go from feeling good to bad to...
Clamour over career-crippling quote
By the age of 27, Jonah Lehrer had written two bestselling books on how our brains work in everyday life. He had a degree...
Reclaiming your inner control
Zindel Segal, a psychiatry professor at U of T, describes mindfulness meditation as a way to reclaim a choice we forget we have: which...
To the kid sitting in the back…
“In our society, to admit that you’re an introvert is almost to admit that you’re weak,” confesses Aristotle Eliopoulos, a fifth-year sociology student. “It’s...
Keep your brain in shape with a little stress
Experience breeds toughness. Picture your brain building its resilience with every stressful experience you encounter, being trained like the hardened body of an Olympic...